100 Years
As an extension of my visualizations of 100 Hours and 100 Days, I then explored a visual representation of 100(+) years through the lens of my family tree. The overlap of hues, shades, and saturation is a language we all speak — with observations to be made at both micro and macro levels. The colors at the top are absorbed by those below, acknowledging how we are all influenced by those who came before — and the tendrils of string show connections across long horizons of time. Most notable are the deepest and darkest parts of who we are. The varying levels of influence and connection that shape us as individuals.
Byproduct Project
The creation of my 100 Years project left me with a pile of paint-soaked paper towels that I couldn’t bear to throw away. The colors were vibrant and worthy of their own creative exploration. With an old cardboard box as my canvas, I created a topographical map of color and texture, measuring 7 feet high by two feet wide.